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Khodadian Custom handmade rugs

I have established this company to create handmade rugs that would be “desired”.

For some people it is sufficient for the rug to lay on the floor as decoration.
However, my goal is to transcend the superficial appeal in order to “touch the soul” on a deeper level, with something more than a mere colour and design.

I believe that in the world of mass production and prefabricated goods people still search for products that are not only excellent but can also “tell a story” through their exquisite materials and subtle variations created by human hands.

Khodadian handmade rugs stand out in all those aspects and many more.

New Collection

Check out our new designs for the next year.

This is how we manufacture our custom handmade rugs.

Our rugs are made with care and skills of experienced hands, rooted in a tradition of several generations dedicated to the manufacture of exclusive and custom-made rugs with incomparable quality and design.
Khodadian — Manufactured in-house, handcrafted designer rugs that are made to feel.

Khodadian — Manufactured in-house, handcrafted designer rugs that are made to feel.

Exclusive designs

Custom handmade rugs at competitive prices. Exclusive products with inspiring designs.

This is how we support creative people and their ideas.

Register and make your purchase online, or, if you prefer, visit the store to see all our designs in person.

In both cases, you will receive the best personalized customer service and support.

Custom collections

Simple and timeless: two words that best define our handmade rugs.

All of them are crafted entirely by hand and upon request.
Each piece honours ancient craft traditions and is made of the most extraordinary materials.

We guarantee a quality that comes from appreciation for the highest levels of craftsmanship invested in our products, as well as from the Khodadian values and practices that underlie its creation.

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